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Casino 1995 Aspect Ratio

Casino 1995 Aspect Ratio 4,1/5 2947 reviews
Casino 1995 Aspect Ratio1995Ratio

Casino (1995) - DVD-rip File name: Casino (1995) / PlayTime: 02:51 Video. Display aspect ratio: 16/9 Frame rate: 29.970 fps Resolution: 24 bits.

Casino 1995 Aspect Ratio Calculator

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Aspect Ratio Calculator

Casino 1995 Aspect Ratio

Casino 1995 Aspect Ratio Definition

Casino (1995) No One Stays At The Top Forever. Director: Martin Scorsese OVERALL: Draw. Click a link to jump to that release. Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1. Picture Format: Anamorphic TV System: NTSC. Soundtrack(s): English Dolby Digital 5.1 French Dolby Digital 5.1. Aspect Ratio: 1.33: 1 (Ace's High) 2.39: 1 Camera: Panavision Panaflex Gold, Panavision Primo Lenses Panavision Panaflex Platinum, Panavision Primo Lenses. Casino (1995) Technical Specifications. Showing all 10 technical specifications. Runtime: 2 hr 58 min (178 min). Aspect Ratio: 1.33: 1 (Ace's High) 2.39: 1. A TV sport for the movie Casino.