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Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) rushed to the defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Thursday after a clip of Omar went viral this week that showed her describing the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.”

'So Ocasio-Cortez thinks that co-sponsoring a bill which, by the way, isn't even out of committee yet means that's how you are defending 9/11 victims,' Crenshaw said after he was asked by Fox. 'You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim's Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes,' Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. 'In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don't you go do something about that?'

Ocasio-Cortez defended Omar by making multiple false claims and by mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who called out Omar for trivializing the 9/11 terror attacks.

The 29-year-old former bartender attacked Crenshaw, a decorated war hero, by suggesting that he was not fighting for the families of 9/11 victims and saying that he should “go do something” about terrorism.

As a Navy SEAL, Crenshaw lost his eye fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and earned 2 Bronze Stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart, the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and other awards.

“You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?”

You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes.

In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 11, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez also attacked the New York Post over the “horrifying, hateful cover” they published on Thursday.

“Here’s 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “She‘s done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who won’t even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith.”

I’m not going to quote the NY Post’s horrifying, hateful cover.

Here’s 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. She‘s done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who won’t even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 11, 2019

Everything Ocasio-Cortez tweeted was either an outright lie or was misleading as she defended Omar.

Nothing that the New York Post or Crenshaw said used “completely out-of-context quotes” from Omar, they quoted her directly.

Ocasio-Cortez did not state that Omar was only one out of 213 cosponsors of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act, along with 42 Republican lawmakers.

Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that Crenshaw refuses to support the bill is also a lie. The bill has not even been voted on in the House and just because Crenshaw is not a cosponsor does not prevent him from voting in favor of the bill when a vote is held on it.

Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that Omar has “done more for 9/11 families than the GOP” is a blatant lie.

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

In 2016, the Republican-controlled House and Senate passed a bill that allowed the victims of 9/11 to sue the Saudi Arabian government over the terrorist attacks. Then-President Barack Obama vetoed the bill and the Republican-controlled House and Senate voted to overrule Obama’s veto, the first override of a veto that happened during his administration.

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was signed into law shortly after September 11, 2001, by President George W. Bush. It has been renewed in recent years to keep funding care that the victims need.


No one was attacking Omar’s 9/11 remarks because she was a Muslim, people were attacking her remarks because what she said trivialized the deadliest terrorist attack in world history.

Last month, Jon Stewart, who hates Trump, praised the Trump administration for how it was handling the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

Omar has called for the complete defunding of the Department of Homeland Security, which was created to protect the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

When Democrats stood our ground last month, we proved that Individual 1 does not have the public support to ram his hateful wall through Congress.

Let’s stand firm: #Not1Dollar for DHS.

Ocasio Cortez Speech Today

— Rep. Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) February 8, 2019

Alexander ocasio cortez

Omar has also advocated for leniency and compassion in the sentencing of men who were convicted of trying to join ISIS and, just last week, Omar called for a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood to be released from prison in Egypt.

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quotes

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Representative Ocasio Cortez Quotes

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