Slot Dimensioning
Dimension an existing curved slot Starting with a curved slot in a model document, create a drawing view that shows the curved slot by doing the following: Click the application button at the top-left of the window, and then choose Create Drawing. Dimensioning Drawings with AutoCAD – R Greenlee Page 6 Next we will add width dimensions to the right view. We will use the left face of the right view as a base datum and dimension from there. Click on the “Linear” dimension button and create a dimension from the left face to the left side of the slot. The slot dimensions (used on handguards, etc.) are available on the web. The slots provide metric 20 mm (0.79 in) length intervals, and accessories can be mounted either within a slot or bridging between slots, making it possible to adjust the position of accessories in smaller intervals than the length of the slot. RE: dimensioning slots WF 3 should allow you to do this with the sketcher sketchboard, or whatever the terminology is for the dialog that allows you to place commonly used sketches on it for quick pull off and use. Casino slot machines are gambling machines where a game of slots is played by inserting coins and pulling a handle to randomize an alignment of symbols. Slot machines are popular gaming machines on casino floor and can range from the traditional reels to computerized slots and video machines. Slot machines range in dimensions but are traditionally around 30” (76 cm) deep and 74” (188 cm.
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This example shows two ways to add the following dimensions and annotations to a curved slot:
Ansi Slot Dimensioning
Centerline (A)
Length of arc (B)
Center marks (C) and (D)
To add a centerline annotation to a curved object, you cannot use the Center Line command. Instead, use the techniques described here.
Dimensioning A Slot Solidworks
The method you choose depends upon whether you start from a model document or a draft document.
Starting with a curved slot in a model document, create a drawing view that shows the curved slot by doing the following:
Click the application button at the top-left of the window, and then choose Create Drawing.
In the Create Drawing dialog box, select a drawing template with file name extension *.dft.
In the Drawing View Wizard, set the drawing view creation options and drawing view orientation you want to use.
To learn how, see the help topic, Create Drawing Views of a Part or Assembly.
Right-click the drawing view and choose Draw In View from the shortcut menu.
Do the following to draw a curved line to represent the centerline of the slot:
Choose the Arc By 3 Points command.
(Optional) On the command bar, set the Line Type, Line Color, and Line Width options as desired.
When prompted to click the start point, locate the arc at one end of the slot and press C on the keyboard. Do not click.
This automatically selects the center point of the arc.
When prompted to click the end point, locate the arc at the opposite end of the slot and press C on the keyboard. Do not click.
When prompted to click a point for the arc, move the cursor to the middle of the slot so that the centerline curves in the appropriate direction, and click.
The centerline is now complete.
On the command bar, click the Return button.
Choose the Smart Dimension command , and then select the centerline.
On the Smart Dimension command bar, select the Length option, and then click to place the arc length dimension.
Choose the Center Mark command .
On the Center Mark command bar, from the Orientation list, select By 2 Points.
At one end of the slot, specify the center point of the center mark by clicking the end of the slot centerline.
At the same end, specify the location of the center mark by clicking the center of the curved end of the slot.
Repeat steps 8 and 9 to place a center mark at the other end of the slot.
To create the curved slot in a draft document, draw a single curved line using the Arc By 3 Points command: .
Choose the Symmetric Offset command.
In the Symmetric Offset Options dialog box, do all of the following:
In the Width box, type a value for slot width.
In the Radius box, type a radius value for the curved ends of the slot.
Under Cap Type, select the Offset Arc option.
The Offset Arc option creates a centerline that does not extend to the ends of the slot.
Select the arc line you drew in step 1, and click the green check mark on the command bar to automatically creates both the curved slot and the centerline.
Click Smart Dimension , and then select the centerline.
On the Smart Dimension command bar, select the Length option, and then click to place the arc length dimension.
Choose the Center Mark command .
On the Center Mark command bar, from the Orientation list, select By 2 Points.
At one end of the slot, specify the center point of the center mark by clicking the end of the slot centerline.
At the same end, specify the location of the center mark by clicking the center of the curved end of the slot.
Repeat steps 9 and 10 to place a center mark at the other end of the slot.